Portfolio image for Talent Wellington

Iana Takarangi (Wellington)

height 180cm/5'11"
chest 110cm/43.5"
waist 92cm/36"
shoe 45.5 EU/11 US/10.5 UK
hair Salt and Pepper
eyes Brown
age 48

Iana Takarangi (Wellington)

Iana Takarangi (Wellington)

height 180cm/5'11"
chest 110cm/43.5"
waist 92cm/36"
shoe 45.5 EU/11 US/10.5 UK
hair Salt and Pepper
eyes Brown
age 48
height 180cm/5'11"
chest 110cm/43.5"
waist 92cm/36"
shoe 45.5 EU/11 US/10.5 UK
hair Salt and Pepper
eyes Brown
age 48



Other Relevant Experience
2019 'Coral Project' Hunter Sub (Extra) - 880 Productions